Pressure BioSciences has announced the official opening of its new Ultra Shear Technology™ (UST™) Demonstration Laboratory which will be developing water-soluble nanoemulsions for CBD.
The major purpose of the UST Demo Lab is to showcase the ability of the Pressure BioSciences revolutionary UST Platform to process CBD oil into true, high quality, water-soluble nanoemulsions.
Pressure BioSciences expect that nanoemulsions of CBD will be more stable, have superior aesthetic quality, and offer higher bioavailability than the standard macro/microemulsions used in most CBD products today.
Evaluating CBD and product formulations
A second purpose is to invite potential purchasers of the Company’s UST-based BaroShear Systems (initial release expected Q4 2020) to evaluate how their CBD and other cannabis product formulations work with the Company’s revolutionary UST platform.
Through the platform, CBD oil from an independent manufacturer was processed into a clear, water-soluble nanoemulsion using a UST-based, first generation BaroShear system.
CBD and other cannabinoids are extracted from the hemp plant in an oil form, then the water-based biology of human bodies has difficulty accessing and absorbing oily molecules from ingested or topically applied hemp oil drops.
Jason Ellis, President of Vegas CBD Factory, said: “My colleagues in the cannabis market are beginning to realise that high quality CBD products will only come by using high quality, water-soluble nanoemulsions of CBD oil, such as those generated from processing CBD Oil with PBI’s UST™ platform, which I have observed first-hand in their lab.”
Kenneth F. Micciche, Director of PBI’s UST Program, said: “We processed samples of CBD oil formulations from several highly interested companies over the past two months, in an effort to optimise the service we announced today.
“The results speak for themselves: one group (Vegas CBD Factory) ordered six BaroShear K45 systems (for Q4 2020 delivery and installation). We believe several more companies who participated in the early evaluation process are close to giving us their purchase orders. The ability to showcase the UST platform in real life, and see the final product first-hand, has been shown to be vital to our marketing efforts.
“As has been said in the past: ‘build it and they will come’. The opening of the UST Demo Lab is a critical accomplishment in our UST sales and marketing strategy.”
Richard T. Schumacher, President and CEO of PBI commented: “The initial reactions from manufacturers of topical and ingestible cannabidiol products processed in our lab during the trial period have been extremely positive.
“They quickly saw how they could realise substantial cost reductions while eliminating the overloading of poorly water-soluble CBD and other cannabinoids into products to achieve targeted dosing levels. We believe our breakthrough technology platform provides them with a new-found ability to provide safe and effective dosing for their customers, which in turn should stimulate greater growth in the market for CBD-based products overall, and strong sales of our BaroShear product line when it is released to the market later this year.”
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