Have you ever wondered how beneficial virtual reality for seniors could be? Learn how Virotea VR have created a service specially designed for the needs of caring for the elderly.
The concept behind Virotea first came about when the founder, Ivan Perlesi, tried VR for the first time. Fascinated by how easy it was to be ‘digitally transported’ to the other side of the globe and experience sceneries both previously discovered as well as undiscovered, the thought arose that those who are in most need of VR are people who are physically limited in this reality.
With this in mind, Perlesi started the company Virotea, which today helps elderly people as well as the physically disabled to be able to travel to each and every corner of the world – without ever having to physically make the same journey.
Digitalisation and virtual reality for seniors and elderly care
Virotea VR is a service specially designed for the needs found within elderly care and LSS (The Swedish Act concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments).
With the elderly becoming more and more comfortable with computers and electronics, there is clear indication that VR have a higher demand for the elderly population of the future.
There is already a trend where elderly care centres are beginning to offer VR tools in order to accommodate the needs of having meaningful activities and experiences, VR is perceived to be an efficient way to combat depression, loneliness and anxiety.
Meaningful activities for those restricted
Virotea have already helped a few elderly care centres to handle the challenges they have experienced. Virotea offers meaningful activities even to those who are restricted to their beds.
80-90% of the elderly who have tried VR have told Virotea that their experience brings back positive memories. Furthermore, their studies include several positive effects that has also had positive effects on the caretaker as well.
Want to learn more about Virotea? Discover further information here: Virotea Virtual Reality.