Wednesday, January 22, 2025
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Neurodegenerative Diseases Related News

Neurodegenerative diseases are those conditions which primarily affect the neurons in the human brain. Neurons are the building blocks of the nervous system which normally don’t reproduce or replace themselves. Damage or disease can lead to such neurodegenerative diseases as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and Huntington’s disease.

Inflammatory bowel disease might help with Parkinson's disease

Inflammatory bowel disease might help with Parkinson’s disease

A possible link between inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and Parkinson’s disease which could help doctors to slow down the neurological condition has been described...
Could lifestyle choices be linked to development of early-onset dementia?

Could lifestyle choices be linked to development of early-onset dementia?

Writing for Health Europa, Ella Hendrix explores whether lifestyle factors could play a role in rising levels of early-onset dementia. Early-onset dementia appears to be...
Are finances a factor in the development of dementia?

Are finances a factor in the development of dementia?

New research from the University of Exeter and UCL in the UK has found that older adults in England who have fewer financial resources...
High intensity exercise found to not benefit those with dementia

High intensity exercise found to not benefit those with dementia

A new trial published by the BMJ has found moderate to high intensity exercise does not slow down cognitive impairment in older people with...
What are the key factors to support quality of life in dementia?

What are the key factors to support quality of life in dementia?

A new study from the University of Exeter, UK, has identified the key factors that should be targeted to ensure those living with dementia...
Is cholesterol a risk factor for the onset of Alzheimer's disease?

Is cholesterol a risk factor for the onset of Alzheimer’s Disease?

New research from the University of Cambridge, UK, has found that cholesterol may be a contributing factor to the onset of Alzheimer's disease. It was...
Health Europa Quarterly Issue 05

Health Europa Quarterly Issue 05

Health Europa Quarterly issue 05 outlines the ongoing debate regarding the legalisation of medical cannabis in Europe and the work being done across the...
The EU Joint Programme on Neurodegenerative Disease Research

The EU Joint Programme on Neurodegenerative Disease Research

Professor Philippe Amouyel, chair of the EU Joint Programme on Neurodegenerative Disease Research, discusses the initiative’s new call to support health and social care...
Are certain anticholinergic drugs linked to dementia risk increase?

Are certain anticholinergic drugs linked to dementia risk increase?

A link between long term use of certain anticholinergic drugs and dementia risk increase has been found by UK researchers. To help find the link...
Can eating fish prevent the onset of Parkinson's disease?

Can eating fish prevent the onset of Parkinson’s disease?

A potential link has been found between consumption of fish and the prevention of Parkinson's disease, according to a new study from Chalmers University...

Canada’s collaboration-based research strategy to face the challenge of dementia

Dementia – the new life thief In the history of humanity, infectious diseases were once the great life thieves. Smallpox, black plague and tuberculosis robbed...
A renewed focus on neurodegenerative disease research

A renewed focus on neurodegenerative disease research

Health Europa places a special focus on the projects funded through the EU Joint Programme for Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND), the largest international research...
Do antiepileptic drugs increase risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia?

Do antiepileptic drugs increase risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia?

A new study from the University of Eastern Finland and the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) has found an association between the use...
Cell discovery could help with research on genetic diseases

Cell discovery could help with research on genetic diseases

Research into cell discovery and genetics carried out by the University of Kent, UK, has discovered the first information on an organelle that is...
Daily ibuprofen can prevent Alzheimer's disease

Daily ibuprofen can prevent Alzheimer’s disease

A research team of neuroscientists based in Vancouver, Canada, have carried out studies which suggest that having a daily regimen of non-prescription ibuprofen could...
New approach to avoid delaying future dementia treatments in the NHS

New approach to avoid delaying future dementia treatments in the NHS

Alzheimer’s Research UK has published a report today stating that the NHS could face significant practical and financial challenges in delivering future dementia treatments. In...
Physically fit middle-aged women 90% less likely to develop dementia

Physically fit middle-aged women 90% less likely to develop dementia

A study from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, has found that women in middle age who are physically fit are nearly 90% less likely...
UK Dementia Research Institute at UCL receiving £40m boost in funding

UK Dementia Research Institute at UCL receiving £40m boost in funding

The UK Dementia Research Institute (UK DRI), headquartered at University College London, is set to receive £40m (~€45m) of UK government funding to help...
22 new genetic risk factors for stroke have been identified

22 new genetic risk factors for stroke have been identified

Researchers in Munich, Germany, have identified 22 new genetic risk factors for stroke, helping to create a new understanding of the underlying causes. Stroke is...
Risk of developing dementia identified through blood molecules

Risk of developing dementia identified through blood molecules

Researchers at the University of Texas at San Antonio, US, have identified certain blood molecules that could help indicate the level of risk of...

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