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Health Technology Related News

medical refrigerator

A complete guide to proper medical refrigerator storage

B Medical Systems shares essential tips for proper medical refrigerator storage to ensure the safety, effectiveness, and compliance of temperature-sensitive medications. Storing medical products correctly...
ULT freezer

U701V ULT freezer: A welcome innovation for energy-efficient cold storage in life sciences

Ultra-low temperature (ULT) freezers play a critical role in life sciences, offering the necessary cold storage solutions for delicate biological materials that require strict...
Could personalised transcranial magnetic stimulation revolutionise depression treatment?

Could personalised transcranial magnetic stimulation revolutionise depression treatment?

Researchers from the University of Helsinki and Stanford University investigated whether transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) could transform the way depression is treated, especially in...
Wearable brain imaging provides the clearest picture yet of children's developing brains

Wearable brain scanner provides the clearest picture yet of developing brains

New research has given the clearest picture of young children’s developing brains, using a wearable brain scanner. University of Nottingham researchers have developed a novel...
nhs app

NHS App messaging saved more than £1m over the last year

Contacting millions of patients via NHS App messaging has saved the NHS £1.1m on the cost of sending the information via text message.
ACT label

B Medical Systems’ TCW40SDD receives ACT label from My Green Lab

B Medical Systems, an industry leader in the medical cold chain sector, has received the prestigious ACT label from My Green Lab for its...
Dgitial technology for the medical cold chain

Digital trends that are revolutionising the medical cold chain

B Medical Systems explores the key innovations that are driving the digital transformation of the medical cold chain. In the pharmaceutical world, the medical cold...
artificial pancreas

NHS introduces ‘artificial pancreas’ to revolutionise diabetes management

The NHS in England is set to provide an 'artificial pancreas' to tens of thousands of individuals grappling with type 1 diabetes.

Nurses need greater support to embrace the digital revolution

An upsurge in digital skills training and support for nurses is required if full benefit is to be gained from the digital revolution.
robotic process automation

The endless applications of robotic process automation in healthcare

Paul Donoghue-Parker outlines how robotic process automation (RPA) and its supporting technologies could improve healthcare delivery and streamline vital systems. Healthcare institutions, such as NHS...
in vitro diagnostics

WHO publishes 2023 list of essential in vitro diagnostics

The World Health Organization (WHO) has unveiled its highly-anticipated 2023 Essential Diagnostics List (EDL), a comprehensive catalogue of in vitro diagnostics (IVD) aimed at...

Correctly transporting pharmaceutical products and biospecimens to ensure patient safety and scientific accuracy

The transportation and storage of biospecimens and pharmaceuticals have become increasingly important in the healthcare industry. These sensitive materials, ranging from tissue samples to life-saving...
bleeding disorders

Plasma preservation in bleeding disorders: The critical role of the medical cold Chain

Bleeding disorders pose significant medical complexities that impact individual health outcomes and place strain on global healthcare infrastructures. Originating from dysfunctions in the coagulation process,...
bleeding disorders

The role of preserved plasma in improving the lives of people with bleeding disorders

Bleeding disorders, a collection of conditions that prevent blood from clotting correctly, can be life-threatening. They're caused by issues such as aberrant platelets, abnormal...
AI breast cancer screening

AI breast cancer screening is safe and detects 20% more cancers

Lund University research suggests that AI breast cancer screening is a safe alternative to traditional screening, identifies more cancer cases, and is more efficient. The...

Preserving blood and its components to alleviate bleeding disorders

B Medical Systems discusses how the company’s Blood Management Solutions can expertly preserve blood to help those affected by bleeding disorders. Bleeding disorders are a...
health europa quarterly

Health Europa Quarterly Issue 25

Welcome to Health Europa Quarterly Issue 25, where you will discover the latest health research addressing global health policy, antimicrobial resistance, medical technology, disease management,...
NHS virtual wards are helping to free up the UK’s crowded hospitals

NHS virtual wards are helping to free up the UK’s crowded hospitals

NHS virtual wards successfully treated over 100,00 patients last year, helping to free up thousands of hospital beds for the most in-need patients.  The aim...
How a digital health platform can stop sports injuries in young athletes

How a digital health platform can stop sports injuries in young athletes 

Sports injuries in young athletes were significantly reduced when coaches and parents could access digital information on adolescent growth, according to a new study.  Sports...
Meet the women at the forefront of digital oncology

Meet the women at the forefront of digital oncology

Creation Healthcare has marked this year's International Women’s Day (IWD) by highlighting five women leading the way in digital oncology. The theme of this year's...

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