Thursday, January 23, 2025
Home Tags Chronic Diseases

Chronic Diseases Related News

Chronic diseases can be defined as those that persist for a long period of time, in most cases causing the sufferer health issues for longer than a period of 3 months. Chronic diseases in most cases cannot be prevented by vaccines or cured by medication, nor do they just disappear.

Some of the most common chronic diseases include Asthma, Coronary Artery Disease, Cancer, Cystic Fibrosis, Multiple Sclerosis, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Obesity and Osteoporosis to name but a few.

Are Mycoplasma bacteria sneaking past our line of defence?

Are Mycoplasma bacteria sneaking past our line of defence?

New research reveals that Mycoplasma bacteria make DNA in a unique way that may protect them from our immune response. Researchers from Stockholm University, Sweden,...
Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging: MetaboliQs Project breakthrough

Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging: MetaboliQs Project breakthrough

The MetaboliQs project combines diamond-based quantum sensing and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging fostering molecular understanding & personalised care. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) methods have been...
New therapeutic opportunities discovered from melanoma initiation

New therapeutic opportunities discovered from melanoma initiation

A vital vulnerability of melanoma initiation has been uncovered by researchers, finding that specific RNA boosts protein synthesis in different cellular compartments. Researchers from VIB-KU...
In focus: rheumatoid arthritis medication and treatments

In focus: rheumatoid arthritis medication and treatments

What do we know about rheumatoid arthritis medication? What are the recommended first-line treatment for this debilitating disease? Read more as Health Europa investigates. Rheumatoid arthritis...
The Swiss perspective on mucopolysaccharide disease

The Swiss perspective on mucopolysaccharide disease

Dr Fredi Wiesbauer, vice president of the Swiss Mucopolysaccharide disease (MPS) Society met with Health Europa and explored the Swiss experience of hosting such...
What do you know about Zellweger spectrum disorders?

What do you know about Zellweger spectrum disorders?

Zellweger UK explains how the charity is working to support research into Zellweger spectrum disorders. The Zellweger Spectrum Disorders (ZSD) comprise a group of genetic...
Michael Lisanti and his focus on doxycycline antibiotics

Michael Lisanti and his focus on doxycycline antibiotics

Health Europa delves further into Lisanti’s successful breast cancer clinical trial and the remarkable use of doxycycline antibiotics. Lisanti and his wife Professor Sotgia, from...
New wireless device can assist patients with breast cancer recovery

New wireless device can assist patients with breast cancer recovery

Studies of a new wireless device has demonstrated early warning of the potential failure of breast reconstruction surgery, assisting patients with breast cancer recovery. Funded...
Can herpes viruses cause Alzheimer's?

Can herpes viruses cause Alzheimer’s?

New research shows evidence of the fundamental link between herpes viruses and Alzheimer's, igniting possibilities for further research and treatment. The review available in Frontiers...
Expectations vs reality: Norgine data highlights importance of bowel preparation for colonoscopy

Expectations vs reality: Norgine data highlights importance of bowel preparation for colonoscopy

New findings demonstrate that the clinical reality of the liquid volume required for bowel preparation for colonoscopy is greatly underestimated. At United European Gastroenterology (UEG)...
Can the symptoms of Chron's disease be improved by cannabis oil?

Can the symptoms of Crohn’s disease be improved by cannabis oil?

Studies show that cannabis oil can significantly improve symptoms of Crohn's disease despite having no effect on gut inflammation. Being the first of its kind,...
Breast Cancer Now urges government to tackle rising rates of breast cancer

Breast Cancer Now urges government to tackle rising rates of breast cancer

Breast Cancer Now is calling on the UK Government to act now to prevent a projected rise in rates of breast cancer deaths by...
The dormant LTBI: dangers of neglecting latent tuberculosis infection

The dormant LTBI: dangers of neglecting latent tuberculosis infection

With all UN Member States pledging to end TB by 2030, can the dormant form of TB, latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI), be managed? Recent studies...
Healthtech device for those with locked-in syndrome now offered by NHS Supply Chan

Healthtech device for locked-in syndrome patients now offered by NHS Supply Chain

Patients with locked-in syndrome can now receive a breakthrough AI-powered healthtech device available through the NHS Supply Chain. EyeControl have developed a ground-breaking communication device...
The use of Sleeping Beauty mutagenesis to classify fatty liver-associated liver cancer

Sleeping Beauty mutagenesis used to classify a form of liver cancer

Researchers have used a gene screening technique called Sleeping Beauty mutagenesis identifying genes potentially responsible for fatty liver-associated liver cancer. Osaka University, Japan, led a...
Reform is required: older adults that self-harm need care too

Reform is required: older adults that self-harm need care too

According to a UK study, the majority of over 65s who self-harm are not referred for specialist help. Published in The Lancet Psychiatry Journal, adults...
Prescription cannabis in UK: has the law and the drug become best buds?

Prescription cannabis in UK: have the law and the drug become best buds?

The UK government has announced that patients can receive prescription cannabis by specialist doctors from 1 November 2018. Health Europa previously reported upon the review...
Vigorous exercise: could this decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes occurring in children?

Vigorous exercise: could this decrease type 2 diabetes in children?

According to a new study conducted by the University of Eastern Finland, vigorous exercise can vastly reduce the risk factors of type 2 diabetes...
Errors in 'proofreading' cause inherited blindness

Errors in ‘proofreading’ cause inherited blindness

Mistakes in ‘proofreading’ the genetic code of retinal cells is the cause of a form of inherited blindness produced by mutations in splicing factors. A...
World Arthritis Day: Arthritis facts and ways to combat the condition

World Arthritis Day: Arthritis facts and ways to combat the condition

With today being World Arthritis day, Health Europa highlights ways in which those suffering can combat the condition. In the UK, roughly 10 million people...

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