Sunday, March 16, 2025
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CBD Cultivation Related News

Medical Cannabis Network Quarterly Issue 2

Medical Cannabis Network Quarterly Issue 2

Medical Cannabis Network Quarterly editor Rosemary Lobley introduces our second edition, which looks at cannabis research, policy and innovation around the world. Welcome to the...
A new ‘hemp scanner’ determines level of THC in cannabis plants

A new ‘hemp scanner’ determines level of THC in cannabis plants

A team of researchers have created a 'hemp scanner' that can determine the level of THC in cannabis plants instantly, without damaging any of...
Cannabis testing: PhytoSciences Consultants introduce their services

Cannabis testing: PhytoSciences Consultants introduce their services

Phytosciences was conceived to represent patients and to provide quality control and assurance services to the medical cannabis laboratory testing industry. Phytosciences’ primary mission is...
Eviana: CBD and the disruptive change in medication

Eviana: CBD and the disruptive change in medication

The healing attributes of CBD is set to create disruptive change in medication, here we chat to CEO of Eviana Health Corporation, Dr Avram...
Introducing the Medical Cannabis Network Editorial Advisory Board

Introducing the Medical Cannabis Network Editorial Advisory Board

To kick off 2020, MCN is bringing you our brand new, free to access, quarterly publication. But before we do, let's introduce our Editorial...

Baltic CBD: Lithuanian expertise in hemp cultivation in the Klaipeda district

Discover the benefits of cultivating hemp in the fertile Klaipeda district. Baltic CBD is a Lithuanian company engaged in the cultivation of industrial hemp and...
Fotonica ™ – a groundbreaking lighting manufacturer

Fotonica – a groundbreaking lighting manufacturer

How can Israeli startup Fotonica’s lighting solutions help you to optimise your grow? Fotonica ™ is an innovative company from the ‘startup nation’ of Israel....
SANlight GmbH enables sustainable cannabis growth with illumination driven by nature

SANlight GmbH enables sustainable cannabis growth with illumination driven by nature

Cannabis growers, SANlight Solution GmbH, develop their business with a partner that understands sustainable cannabis growth and technology. Cannabis and its use by humans dates...
Designing a high-performance cultivation facility with urban-gro Inc

Designing a high-performance cultivation facility with urban-gro Inc

Find out how urban-gro Inc could help make your cultivation facility the perfect place to deliver high-quality cannabis. US based urban-gro, Inc. is a leading...
Worldwide Suppliers LTD showcase their expertise from seed to sale

Worldwide Suppliers LTD showcase their expertise from seed to sale

If you are looking to release your own CBD brand to the market then Worldwide Suppliers is the perfect choice to do just that. We...

Harvesting nature’s healing power with LeafCann

Specialising in the production of high quality, pharmaceutical grade cannabis medicines, we present to you our partner brochure with: LeafCann. In this feature brochure, we...
Fotonica bio-lighting: cultivators increase cannabis yield and potency

Fotonica bio-lighting: cultivators increase cannabis yield and potency

Cultivators have succeeded in dramatically increasing the yield and potency of cannabis crops with a superior lighting solution. Earlier this year Fotonica™ engaged with several...
Clean Crop Solutions offers organic alternative to fight cannabis pests

Clean Crop Solutions offers organic alternative to fight cannabis pests and pathogens

The cannabis and hemp CBD industry is cementing roots across the globe. As the industry grows so does the demand for standardisation across products in...

World’s largest producer of CBD experiences rapid growth

The world’s largest processor of CBD has experienced rapid growth since first opening its doors. Mile High Labs International Limited, the world’s largest producer of...
Limiting factor: what’s limiting your cannabis crop production?

Limiting factor: what’s limiting your cannabis crop production?

Joe Bender of Cannabis Crop Solutions LLC talks us through maximising growth and yields of cannabis crop production. Although often considered a weed, cannabis has...
Balcanns sets out to create new standard for medicinal cannabis

Balcanns sets out to create new standard for medicinal cannabis

Macedonian-based grower is on a mission to produce high quality, low-cost solutions to meet unmet market needs. Demand for medicinal cannabis in Europe has reached...
CBD growth: USDA establishes domestic hemp production programme

CBD growth: USDA establishes domestic hemp production programme

US Secretary of Agriculture, Sonny Perdue, has announced the establishment of the US Domestic Hemp Production Program. This programme, as required by the 2018 Farm...
Growing strains: how is the flavour of cannabis determined?

Growing strains: how is the flavour of cannabis determined?

Cannabis cultivators have created thousands of unique strains through complex breeding processes and technical growing methods. Generally, the growing process of a cannabis plant heavily...
The pre-licence for cultivating medical cannabis in Portugal

The pre-licence for cultivating medical cannabis in Portugal

The Portuguese team of Cannexpor Pharma now possess the legal right for cultivating medical cannabis in Portugal. We are delighted to announce that the Portuguese...
Acres Agricultural Canada and their cannabis license approval

Acres Agricultural Canada and their cannabis license approval

Acres Agricultural Canada receives 300-acre cannabis license approval from the government of St. Vincent & the Grenadines. Acres Agricultural Canada Corp. is pleased to announce...

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