Wednesday, January 22, 2025
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Cannabis Medicine Related News

Medicines Authority Malta: cannabis for medicine and research

Medicines Authority Malta: cannabis for medicine and research

Malta’s impetus, quest and vision for medicinal cannabis is driving the industry towards the manufacture of quality products and investment in research excellence. The production...
Cannabis and integrative medicine in Canada

Cannabis and integrative medicine in Canada

Dr Dani Gordon, double board-certified medical doctor speaks to Health Europa Quarterly about her journey in the medical cannabis industry and how it fits...
THC Global: a cannabis market leader in the Asia-Pacific region

THC Global: a cannabis market leader in the Asia-Pacific region

THC Global is unique thanks to its world-class cannabis production facilities. THC Global Group Limited is a vertically integrated farm to pharma diversified cannabis company...
Exclusive medical cannabis fund launched in London

Exclusive medical cannabis fund launched in London

UK medicinal cannabis company Eco Equity founder Jon-Paul Doran has launched his first exclusively medical cannabis fund, JPD Capital, in London. JPD Capital has investors...
A new way of thinking: teaching clinicians and patients about cannabis

A new way of thinking: teaching clinicians and patients about cannabis

Cannabis is disrupting the way we look at medicines – but more people need to be educated about cannabis before it becomes commonly accepted...
Epidyolex CBD oil recommended to be moved to Schedule 5

Epidyolex CBD oil recommended to be moved to Schedule 5

EPIDYOLEX®, the First CBD oil to be approved by the European Medicines Agency, has been recommended to be moved to Schedule 5. Writing to the...
Chemical factories: cannabis trichomes under the microscope

Chemical factories: cannabis trichomes under the microscope

A recent study has revealed the internal structures of cannabis’ biochemical factories – trichomes – and note that these hairs can be used as...
Endometriosis and cannabis: THC improves symptoms

Endometriosis and cannabis: THC improves symptoms

A new study has highlighted the effectiveness of cannabinoid compounds found in cannabis for pain relief in women suffering with endometriosis, leading to a...
Director of NICE to keynote UK medical cannabis conference

Director of NICE to keynote UK medical cannabis conference

The Centre for Medicinal Cannabis (CMC) today announces its first major UK medical cannabis conference on cannabinoid research in collaboration with the National Institute...
Roadmap for doctors: helping GP's become medical cannabis prescribers

Roadmap for doctors: helping doctors become cannabis prescribers

A new 'roadmap for doctors' has been published to help doctors in the UK become medical cannabis prescribers. Today the Medical Cannabis Clinicians Society has...
CBD for pets: does it actually work?

CBD for pets: does it actually work?

Why is CBD for pets getting more and more popular in Europe? CBD popularity in recent years is skyrocketing, which is not strange since people...

How a cancer diagnosis inspired one of the fastest-emerging medical cannabis companies in the...

BBS Pharmaceuticals was born one night as two friends, Samuel Butler and Stuart Bais were driving back late from work. “We started talking about a...
Patient experience: medical cannabis and multiple sclerosis

Patient experience: medical cannabis and multiple sclerosis

Medical Cannabis Network spoke to the first patient in Australia to receive a medical cannabis prescription, Jason Jordan, about his experience with cannabis and...
CBD: understanding how CBD works with our bodies

CBD: understanding how CBD works with our bodies

The public curiosity in CBD is rising, and Google can prove it - but how does it actually work with our bodies? Researchers from the...
CBD oil vs CBD tincture: what's the difference?

CBD oil vs CBD tincture: what’s the difference?

When it comes to cannabis, THC and CBD are the two most talked-about compounds. CBD oil has gained popularity due to various medicinal and...
Sanity Group: the European cannabis revolution is now

Sanity Group: the European cannabis revolution is now

Joined by renowned industry leaders and medical experts, Sanity Group is on the brink of innovation and equipped to shape the European cannabis industry. Sanity...
Black Swan: rare Jamaican cannabis strain could treat pancreatic cancer

Black Swan: rare Jamaican cannabis strain could treat pancreatic cancer

In 2019 a flavonoid of cannabis – Caflanone (FBL-03G) – was granted Orphan drug status by the United States Food and Drug Administration. Now,...
CannaVerde: delivering the full therapeutic potential of cannabinoids

CannaVerde: delivering the full therapeutic potential of cannabinoids

CannaVerde's goal is to become a low cost, high quality producer of medical cannabis extracts, with a further focus on product formulation and development. Through...
The UK Cannabis Report: legal cannabis market to reach £2.31bn by 2024

The UK Cannabis Report: legal cannabis market to reach £2.31bn by 2024

A new report from Prohibition Partners forecasts the UK legal cannabis market to reach £2.31bn by 2024. Prohibition Partners has produced The UK Cannabis Report...
CMC calls on UK government to review medical cannabis policy

CMC calls on UK government to review medical cannabis policy

Today, the Centre for Medicinal Cannabis (CMC) is calling on the UK government to urgently review medical cannabis policy relating to cannabis access. The call...

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