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Cancer Related News

Explore the molecular machine in cell nucleus which may hold key to treating aggressive leukaemia

Explore the molecular machine in cell nucleus which may hold key to treating aggressive...

Reported in Nature Cell Biology, researchers have uncovered a use for the overlooked molecular machine in cell nucleus which could possibly hold the answers...
Health Europa Quarterly Issue 09

Health Europa Quarterly Issue 09

Cannabis goes under the microscope in Health Europa Quarterly issue 09, which includes a special feature on the fast-evolving medical cannabis industry in Europe,...
Colonoscopy failures: detecting colorectal cancer may be an issue

Colonoscopy failures: detecting colorectal cancer across Europe may be affected

Colonoscopy failures are hindering the chances of detecting colorectal cancer across Europe which, claiming 175,000 deaths per year, is the continent’s second largest cancer...
What do you know about the ‘Game changing’ leukaemia treatment test?

What do you know about the ‘game changing’ leukaemia treatment test?

Published in Leukemia, discover the leukaemia treatment test that could guide doctors’ decisions on drug administration. Developed by a researcher at Brighton and Sussex Medical...
Treating ovarian cancer may be achieved with a new class of drugs

Treating ovarian cancer may be achieved with a new class of drugs

According to Manchester University, UK, a new class of drugs, called PARG inhibitors, have the ability of treating ovarian cancer and even stopping cancer...
Cancer screening device: detecting cancer from breath

Cancer screening device: detecting cancer from breath

Detecting cancer from breath doesn’t sound possible right? Well, SniffPhone is the new cancer screening device that enables early diagnosis of gastric cancer by...
Beating Childhood Cancer: minimising deaths and late effects

Beating Childhood Cancer: minimising deaths and late effects

SIOP Europe and CCI Europe have the ambitious goal of beating childhood cancer, with the aim of curing more and curing better – towards...
What about talc? Six things you wish you knew about ovarian cancer

What about talc? Six things you wish you knew about ovarian cancer

Target Ovarian Cancer’s Nurse Advisers, Val Lang and Joan Idris, discuss six key things to know about the disease for Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month...
Genomic testing is changing the way prostate cancer is diagnosed

Genomic testing is changing the way prostate cancer is diagnosed

MDxHealth has developed the most comprehensive solution for diagnosing prostate cancer, shifting treatment from a generic approach to a more personalised method. Across Europe and...
Network Analysis: identifying cancer symptom clusters

Network Analysis: identifying cancer symptom clusters

Pioneering AI technology, Network Analysis, is now able to identify and predict the development of cancer symptom clusters – could this alleviate distress? Cancer patients...
A closer look at the relationship between inflammation and bowel cancer

A closer look at the relationship between inflammation and bowel cancer

Health Europa spotlights recent research into the relationship between inflammation and inflammatory bowel cancer and bowel disease. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is the name given...
Could there be a new treatment for ovarian cancer?

Could there be a new treatment for ovarian cancer?

According to scientists from the University of Sheffield, UK, a drug compound could be a new treatment for ovarian cancer. Typically, chemotherapy is still the...
Have researchers found a new approach to treating aggressive cancer?

Have researchers found a new approach to treating aggressive cancer?

Researchers at MD Anderson, USA, discovered some forms of aggressive cancer may respond to a combination of immunotherapy and DNA damage repair inhibitors. According to...
Did you know drug combination could treat advanced kidney cancer?

Did you know drug combination could treat advanced kidney cancer?

According to researchers from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, USA, a drug combination could potentially become the first-line treatment for patients with advanced kidney cancer. Patients who...
What do you know about immune checkpoint inhibitors?

What do you know about immune checkpoint inhibitors?

Immune checkpoint inhibitors have become important tools for managing non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC), could the analysis identify individuals with malignant diseases? Reported in The Journal...
Could new diagnostic procedures differentiate between cancer & inflammation?

Could new diagnostic procedures differentiate between cancer & inflammation?

Published in the American Journal of Pathology, new diagnostic procedures reveal a protein biomarker that accurately differentiates bladder cancer from benign inflammation. A report in...
Small cell lung cancer: the world of highly lethal cancers

Small cell lung cancer: the world of highly lethal cancers

Researchers from Weill Cornell Medicine studied highly lethal cancers, using human embryonic stem cells to create a new model system specifically exploring small cell...
Advanced cancer diagnostic facilities to be designed by AFL Architects

Advanced cancer diagnostic facilities to be designed by AFL Architects

AFL Architects is set to embark on an ambitious programme of healthcare development, designing advanced cancer diagnostic facilities across the UK. AFL was awarded the...
Obesity related cancer: surgeon warns rise amongst millennials

Obesity related cancer: surgeon warns rise amongst millennials

A while back Health Europa reported on obesity related cancer to be on the rise, particularly in the US, but now Britain’s millennials may...
Presenting Lymphit: The tech designed to benefit cancer survivors

Presenting Lymphit: The tech designed to benefit cancer survivors

Dicronis introduces Lymphit – a cutting-edge technology that will disrupt traditional lymphoedema diagnosis methods for the benefit of cancer survivors. Patrizia Marschalkova, CEO of Dicronis...

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