Wednesday, January 22, 2025
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Animal Health Related News

Reverse zoonosis: human pathogens are ruining wildlife

Reverse zoonosis: human pathogens are ruining wildlife

Arctic wildlife is threatened by human pathogens, with scientists warning the risk of mass extinction occurring across the polar ecosystem due to reverse zoonosis. Zoonosis...
Maybe the princess kissed the frog because of ranavirus?

Maybe the princess kissed the frog because of ranavirus?

New research has shown frogs from groups that are exposed to the deadly disease, ranavirus, breed at younger ages to beat the epidemic. Scientists from...
Defence’s ACCUMTM variant “A1” converts mesenchymal stromal cells into potent antigen presenting cells

Vaccines for animal and human health

Vaccines are understood to be one of the greatest breakthroughs in modern medicine. Here, Health Europa explores how vaccines have benefitted not only humans...
The past, present and future of Wageningen Bioveterinary Research

The past, present and future of Wageningen Bioveterinary Research

Dr Riks Maas and Professor Jeroen Kortekaas discuss the pioneering work of Wageningen Bioveterinary Research in the fields of viral vaccine development and animal...
Gene-edited pigs resistant to porcine reproductive & respiratory syndrome

Gene-edited pigs resistant to porcine reproductive & respiratory syndrome

By changing the genetic code of pigs, scientists at the University of Edinburgh's Roslin Institute, UK, have produced animals that can resist one of...
Working with One Health – learning from equine tendon disease

Working with One Health – learning from equine tendon disease

Professor Roger KW Smith, of the Royal Veterinary College, provides a valuable insight into how research in equine tendon disease is paving the way...
Animal health for the benefit of all

Animal health for the benefit of all

Roxane Feller, the secretary general of AnimalhealthEurope, provides an overview of the important role of the animal health industry in animal welfare, food safety,...
Fig. 1: Interaction between microbial communities from different environments affects the mobilome composition and antibiotic resistance gene reservoir © University of Münster

The evolution and spread of antibiotic resistance: A call for more holistic analyses

Antibiotic-resistant bacteria already existed in the environment before antibiotics were used in human medicine.1 Besides promoting the development of new resistance traits, the way...
Ethical animal testing and drug development at CABMM

Ethical animal testing and drug development at CABMM

The Competence Center for Applied Biotechnology and Molecular Medicine (CABMM) is an innovative, cutting-edge medical research organisation at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, which brings...

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