FindAir, a European company developing digital systems for asthma and COPD control, on 16th of January 2019, launched its commercial smart inhaler device FindAir ONE.
It is the first publicly available commercial smart inhaler solution in Europe. FindAir as the first market player releasing its device commercially to the public in Europe moves ahead as one of the leaders in the race for introducing a smart inhaler device to patients. Differently from the main trend in the smart inhaler market which strives for business partnerships, FindAir focuses mainly on the end user and emphasises the patient overall experience above anything else.
Asthma or COPD rescue medication
FindAir ONE device is a smart add-on intended to be attached to asthma or COPD rescue medication in form of a pMDI inhaler, that collects data about each drug usage and information about the circumstances of that use. Once attached it connects via wireless technology to the rest of the system: mobile app & web platform for doctors, providing crucial for asthma and COPD information about among others pollen level, air quality and weather conditions at the moment of an asthma attack.
This helps patients understand their condition and learn to predict asthma attacks. On the other hand, the doctors get to analyse asthma on a patient by patient basis and get a digital representation of the patient’s condition in the whole period between doctor visits.

For a starting set fee of €59 a patient will get: the FindAir ONE device & 12 months of app premium, that enables to use all the app features, such as sync with the FindAir ONE device, data report generating and sharing data with a doctor.
The device and other system components are the results of over two years of R&D with top asthma and COPD specialists in Europe. The company has been established in October 2016 with the sole purpose of introducing digital asthma therapy to patients all across Europe.
FindAir ONE has been approved as a medical device and received its CE mark in January 2019, for the use with several popular in Europe pMDI inhalers including Ventolin, Atrodil, Aspulmo, Seretide, Comboterol, Foster, Atimos, Serevent, Flixotide and Budiair. In the future, Findair plans to expand the range of compatible inhalers.
This is so cool!! I will use this source for my AP CSP explore task!!