In this article the European Federation of Nurses Associations celebrates International Nurses’ Day.
International Nurses’ Day is celebrated around the world each year on 12 May, the birthday of Florence Nightingale, with this year marking the 200th anniversary.
This annual event provides an opportunity to mark the contribution of nurses and reflect on the vital work they do every day. However, the significance of recognising each and every nurse this year is all the more important among the trauma and tragedy of the global COVID-19 pandemic.
This year, nurses through their relentless commitment, expertise, professionalism, bravery, and heroic actions have saved countless numbers of lives while delivering patient care and helping patients onto a path of recovery, as well as providing compassionate end of life care.
Celebrating nurses in Europe
The EU institutions will need to recognise the debt of gratitude that is owed to so many selfless nurses who risk their own lives against the backdrop of the worry for their own families and loved ones.
Nurses have proven their vital role in providing health services during this pandemic throughout the EU and Europe. There are countless number of humbling and incredible stories of nurses’ actions, compassionate care and leadership while facing the greatest relentless global healthcare challenge in a lifetime.
The EFN also recognises the exceptional leadership role of its National Nursing Associations (NNA) during this pandemic to ensure all nurses are supported, resourced and protected within their respective countries. In addition, the role of NNAs to protect the wellness and resilience of all nurses has been an essential part of the response to the crisis during this incredibly stressful time. We do not underestimate the challenges that NNAs and many individual nurses have already faced and the serious and concerning challenges that are ahead for us all.
On the 12 May 2020, the EFN is marking the occasion of the International Day of the Nurse in solidarity with all our nurses in the EU and Europe. It is with great pride we recognise the individual and the collective efforts of nurses and convince EU politicians to transform citizens applaud for nurses’ selfless commitment, professionalism and bravery into EU policy action. Nurses make a world of difference to people’s lives.
The contributions nurses have made must be rewarded and not forgotten.
The European Federation of Nurses Associations
Guest post
This article is a guest post from the European Federation of Nurses Associations.