Defence Therapeutics has successfully completed all essential preclinical efficacy studies for the company’s AccuTOXTM programme.
AccuTOXTM is one of Defence’s most advanced research and development programmes and is very efficient at impeding tumour growth in many animal models, including T-cell lymphoma, breast cancer and melanoma.
The studies were focused on the following:
- The use of a single immune-checkpoint combination (AccuTOXTM with anti-PD-1, anti-CTLA4 or anti-CD47); and
- The dosing regimen consisted of three injections per week over two cycles.
Defence, in collaboration with the clinical team at the City of Hope, proposed to conduct one final preclinical study investigating two objectives: minimising AccuTOXTM dosing to twice a week over three weeks (for a total of 6 injections) and combining AccuTOXTM with both anti-PD-1 and anti-LAG3, which is equivalent to the use of Opdualag (a BMS premixed combination of nivolumab and relatlimab) currently administered to cancer patients at the City of Hope.
Sébastien Plouffe, the CEO and president of Defence Therapeutics, commented: “Defence’s team is excited about the milestones reached for the AccumTM-related products, which includes the AccuTOXTM program, that has been achieved. AccuTOXTM is suitable for any solid tumour, and it can synergise with a variety of immune-checkpoint inhibitors, making it a future treatment of choice in immune oncology.”
The latest preclinical study combining AccuTOXTM with anti-PD-1 and anti-LAG3 is conclusive as it shows that it can lower patients’ visits to treatment centres yet continue to achieve excellent anti-tumoral effects. In addition, the results obtained with this combination therapy strongly indicate that AccuTOXTM may easily adapt with future immune-checkpoint blockers or any antibodies currently being tested in advanced clinical trials.
With the wider clinical use of Opdualag and the observed beneficial effects on the median progression-free survival of patients with advanced melanoma, Defence is convinced that combination therapy with AccuTOXTM will amplify the therapeutic outcomes on cancer patients’ survival. As such, Defence and City of Hope intend to complete their IND filing as planned. Furthermore, Defence’s AccumTM-related technology and programmes continue to advance and be developed. Additional news is anticipated soon.