Sapphire Medical Clinics has presented new data from the UK Medical Cannabis Registry at the 31st Annual International Cannabinoid Research Society Symposium on the Cannabinoids to support clinical outcomes across a range of conditions.
Sapphire Medical Clinics presented six abstracts focused on the latest research on cannabinoids based on data from the UK Medical Cannabis Registry during the 31st Annual International Cannabinoid Research Society Symposium on the Cannabinoids (ICRS2021).
Patient-reported outcomes
During ICRS2021, Sapphire Medical presented data from patients treated with medical cannabis. Across all patients, findings are reported in health-related quality of life as well as within specific conditions such as pain, anxiety, and palliative care. Analysis was performed on consistently captured data from the Registry during routine clinical care at Sapphire Medical Clinics with medical cannabis.
The analysis of patient-reported outcome measures following treatment with cannabis-based medicinal products (CBMPs) in a study covering patients with all conditions found statistically significant improvements in anxiety, sleep, and general quality of life at one, three, and six months following treatment, compared to baseline assessment.
The study analysed clinical outcomes of the first 312 patients enrolled in the Registry and found that CBMPs were well tolerated with an adverse event incidence of 39 per 100 patients which compares favourably to opioid painkillers such as morphine or codeine.
Improved quality of life
Exploring Quality of Life Outcomes of Chronic Pain Patients from the UK Medical Cannabis Registry Focused analysis of 190 patients with chronic pain demonstrated improved measures of pain severity and interference at one, three, and six months.
This outcome suggests a disease specific improvement in health-related quality of life in the studied population, supported by pre-clinical research demonstrating the action of cannabinoids, which are the major constituent chemicals in the cannabis plant, on human pain receptors. In addition, these patients also reported improvement in sleep, anxiety levels, and general quality of life.
Despite the effects of medical cannabis being reported, there has been a limited number of randomised controlled trials in anxiety disorders. A focused analysis of patients from the Registry with generalised anxiety disorder helps supplement the burgeoning evidence of the effects of medical cannabis in anxiety.
A significant reduction in reported anxiety was seen at one, three, and six months compared to assessment prior to initiation of medical cannabis therapy. These patients also reported improved sleep and general quality of life.
The final exploratory analysis of palliative care patients confirmed safety in administering CBMPs in this cohort and a disease specific analysis can now take place using these data to guide the parameters of a larger study.
Peer-reviewed analysis
The data presented builds on the first international peer-reviewed analysis of the first UK medical cannabis patients published last month in Neuropsychopharmacology Reports.
Analysis now includes medium-term safety data on CBMPs determining a low incidence of adverse effects in the short and medium-term across all patients, including those with anxiety and chronic pain.
Dr Simon Erridge, Head of Research and Access at Sapphire Medical Clinics, commented: “Randomised controlled trials are still required in the use of CBMPs as treatment to assess clinical benefit but our contribution to the evidence base via Real World Evidence is crucial in bridging the gap between research and access. As UK’s first Care Quality Commission (CQC) and Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS) registered medical cannabis clinic, we are dedicated to improving appropriate medical cannabis access for patients by building essential evidence.”
Patient Laura Drummond is prescribed medical cannabis for a persistent pain condition fibromyalgia. Laura commented on being part of the Registry: “I’ve been a medical cannabis patient at Sapphire Medical Clinics for over a year now and love the idea of contributing to the Registry and growing evidence which no doubt will help many others in the future.”