A new combination therapy injection treatment has been launched that could provide a treatment option for people with arthritis and other similar conditions.
The Regenerative Clinic has launched a new treatment called Activated Mesenchymal Pericyte Plasma injections (AMPP®). AMPP® is a day case procedure performed in approximately one hour with minimal recovery time.
The combined therapy is thought to increase the effectiveness of the process at a cellular level offering a bold treatment option for people with arthritis and other issues. The Regenerative Clinic leads the way in bringing the latest advances in orthobiologic medicine to patients in the UK.
Simon Checkley, CEO, The Regenerative Clinic, said: “We are proud to have created AMPP as thrilling development to our treatment portfolio. AMPP is a minimally invasive procedure and can be an alternative to major surgery even aiding post-surgery recovery.
“There are no major incisions or cuts. AMPP can help if you have an injury or long-term condition that limits daily activity, or if you have pain or limited joint movement. We are finding that is particularly helpful for people with arthritis who may have already tried physiotherapy, NSAIDs or steroid injections as a powerful and minimally invasive alternative to pain relief.”
Combining treatments
AMPP® is a combination therapy that combines two already well-established treatments; Lipogems and PRP:
- Lipogems has now been conducted on over 40,000 patients worldwide. The Lipogems® technology prepares fat cells to trigger a healing response when injected directly into the affected area. The cells detect injury and attach themselves to damage where they react and regrow tissue. These pre-cursor stem cells have a pro-antibiotic effect which reduces pain and inflammation;
- Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) involves drawing blood from a vein in the arm and processing the blood in a centrifuge to extract the platelet rich part of the blood; and
- The Lipogems® and PRP is then injected into the area or areas causing pain under ultrasound guidance
The Regenerative Clinic has pioneered rejuvenating therapies around the world providing pioneering treatment for healing, pain relief and rejuvenation of joints and other tissues to restore mobility and function.
Led by Professor Adrian Wilson the team of specialist Harley Street consultants, each one an expert in their own field (orthopaedic, radiology, gynaecological, spine, maxillofacial and cosmetic), have found that for the successful regeneration of tissues three components are important and need to be present.
This includes a scaffold; cells that are able to reside within this scaffold; and the factor’s substances that allow the communication between the cells.
The harvested fat contains the cells that are required for the regenerative process as well as some scaffold in the form of adipose tissue. The PRP used provides growth factors that improve the activity of the cells in scientific studies and also provide some of the scaffold. Basic science research has shown that there is improvement in the survival of the cells within the fat by using PRP.