CBD as an aphrodisiac: Exploring its potential

CBD as an aphrodisiac: Exploring its potential
© shutterstock/Horth Rasur

In this article, Dr. Hemp Me explores whether CBD has aphrodisiac potential and looks at what scientific evidence is available.

The word “aphrodisiac” is interesting in terms of its background and use. Named after the Greek goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite, aphrodisiacs are substances which are thought to increase sexual desire. This concept is nothing new. It is quite ancient and cuts across various cultures, each with its traditional substances known for increasing libido.

The question remains, does CBD have aphrodisiac potential? Cannabidiol (CBD) has certainly garnered attention for its health benefits over the years but also for its potential as an aphrodisiac.

This article discusses some attributes of CBD that might boost your desire in the bedroom and enhance your performance during sex. There is actual scientific evidence, so let’s get to it.

So, what is an aphrodisiac?

Traditionally, oysters, chocolate, and honey are believed to be aphrodisiacs because their ingredients include vitamins and minerals linked with sexual health. Other people rely on the scent of a substance or the suggestive form of some foods (enter cucumber).

The belief in aphrodisiac capability is linked to psychological and physiological effects, in which these substances may work by stimulating the mind, whilst increasing blood flow and hormone levels in women and men.

Although scientific evidence in favour of most traditional aphrodisiacs is not profound, the attraction of these substances is still powerful. Often based on legends, myths, and anecdotal evidence rather than solid proof.

Whether truly effective or not, the quest for substances that can initiate or amplify lust is proof that human nature possesses a constant desire to seek out intense connection and intimacy.

The evidence

To further discuss the possibility of CBD as an aphrodisiac, it is wise to dig deeper into how CBD can affect more broad aspects of sexual health.

Although direct studies on CBD as an aphrodisiac are minimal, some research suggests that anxiety reduction and blood flow enhancement resulting from CBD could enhance sexual experiences indirectly.

Anxiety is a real obstacle for many people around the time of sexual arousal and CBD, by reducing stress, can help to establish a safe and comfortable mood for intimacy. In addition to this, blood flow is essential for sexual stimulation. CBD naturally acts as a vasodilator, which can play a crucial role in intimate moments.

Because individual experiences and responses can differ, it is important to seek the advice of healthcare professionals and review scientific research when contemplating the use of CBD for this purpose.

Rest assured though that CBD is a safe food supplement which can be taken daily, without any risk of addiction or intoxication. Is CBD the answer to your ‘love drug’ prayers?

CBD for sexual wellness

With so many options on the hemp supplement market today, it can get confusing for newcomers. One high-quality CBD product that consumers may consider for aphrodisiac effects is Dr. Hemp Me’s 10% CBD oil.

Much anecdotal feedback is available for this product and others curated by this brand. Users claim that they are more relaxed and less anxious, a state that naturally provokes better sexual enjoyment.

Always choose a CBD brand with positive, verified reviews before investing in your supplement!

Mechanism of actions – The ECS

CBD is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid obtained from the plant Cannabis sativa otherwise known as hemp. Thankfully, unlike THC, CBD does not produce a high and is therefore a favourite among those in search of the beneficial properties of cannabis without any psychoactive effects.

The endocannabinoid system (ECS) exists in all of us and plays a crucial role in regulating various bodily functions, including mood, pain responses, sleep cycle and even hormone balance. CBD interacts with this system, by positively mimicking the role of natural endocannabinoids produced in our bodies. It adds to the function of the ECS and effectively works to balance us out.

The entourage effect states that CBD works more effectively in the presence of other cannabinoids, such as CBN, CBG and others. Using full-spectrum CBD oil (all cannabinoids present) makes it a more potent option as an aphrodisiac.

The combination of anxiety relief and the benefits of the entourage effect, could enhance pleasure and improve your confidence during sex.

Important considerations and disclaimers

Selecting top-quality laboratory-tested CBD products is critical to ensure safety and effectiveness. Dr. Hemp Me is a user-friendly offering of certified products tailored to meet user’s needs through transparency and verified product reviews.

Nevertheless, CBD is marketed as a food supplement and is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases. Please, always ask your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement if you have an existing medical condition or are taking prescription medicines.

Other herbal aphrodisiacs: Adaptogens and nootropics

There are increasingly more herbal and all-natural products on the market with links to boosting sex drive. Let’s take a look at some.

Ashwagandha: The stress-relieving adaptogen

The use of Ashwagandha, an established adaptogen, is associated with stress reduction and boosting energy levels in traditional, Asian medicine. Its aphrodisiac potential is generally thought to rise from the stress-reducing effects that can consequently enhance sexual performance as well as libido.

Cordyceps: The energy-boosting nootropic

Cordyceps, the nootropic or ‘functional mushroom’, is highly valued for its capacity to boost stamina and energy levels. The characteristics render it an attractive supplement for improving sex drive and athletic performance, making it a well-known natural aphrodisiac.

Integrating herbal supplements for sexual wellness

Incorporating specific, natural herbal supplements into your daily wellness routine can potentially offer a natural boost to your sexual health.

Both ashwagandha and cordyceps are considered safe for most people, but similar to CBD, they should be taken in moderation and after consultation with a healthcare provider if taking medications.

The synergistic influence with other supplements such as CBD could make your entire sexual wellness routine more complete and better yet, more effective.

Conclusion: Research and responsible use

As CBD’s potential as an aphrodisiac draws more attention globally, additional research will help to reveal its true advantages and potential benefits for us humans.

To those who are curious about incorporating CBD into their sexual health routine, begin with a reputable product such as Dr. Hemp Me’s CBD Oil. Supply an organic kick to those intimate times with your partner or simply yourself.


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