Saturday, January 11, 2025

Research & Innovation News

Health Europa brings you the latest Research & Innovation News from across the field of European Healthcare & Social Care Policy.

Surgical abortion and the link to physician procedures

Surgical abortion and the link to physician procedures

According to new research published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, physician procedure volume is linked to outcomes after surgical abortion. Although surgically induced abortion...
AI could prevent unneeded tests in those with stable chest pain

AI could prevent unneeded tests in those with stable chest pain

According to researchers, a new form of AI has the ability of saving one hour of testing per patient, in particular those with stable...
Nanobubble technology: Can oxygen rich blood benefit cancer treatment?

Nanobubble technology: Can oxygen rich blood benefit cancer treatment?

According to researchers, nanobubble technology, can deliver oxygen to diseased cells and help restore the effectiveness of cancer treatment. Professor Joseph Irudayaraj and his team...
Explore the world of healthcare IT solutions from a global regional perspective

Explore the world of healthcare IT solutions from a global regional perspective

Healthcare IT solutions is on the cusp of revolutionising the dynamics of medical care, here we explore a regional perspective of the matter. The healthcare...
NHS Digital set to accelerate digitally enabled care with VMware Cloud

NHS Digital set to accelerate digitally enabled care with VMware Cloud

NHS Digital maintains and develops the mission-critical IT infrastructure that underpins the NHS and social care – but can a new hybrid solution improve...
Tumour blood flow revealed by image-based computer model

Tumour blood flow revealed by image-based computer model

Have researchers uncovered the “Google Maps” equivalent for cancer? Find out how an image-based computer model reveals the finer details of tumour blood flow. Johns...
The visual cortex: Is there a brain region for Pokémon characters?

The visual cortex: Is there a brain region for Pokémon characters?

Did your childhood hood involve countless hours spent capturing, training & battling Pokémon? Well, there now may be a link between our visual cortex...
Mobile App development trends in the healthcare industry

Mobile App development trends in the healthcare industry

Discover how the healthcare industry is catching up to the rising demand of digital health with mobile app development – but the question is:...
Discover the first guidance regarding digital health technologies

Discover the first guidance regarding digital health technologies

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has released its first guidance on digital health technologies for health workers, policy makers and vendors – it’s time...
Could quantum sensors lead to a new generation of MRI scanners?

Could quantum sensors lead to a new generation of MRI scanners?

Researchers have detected magnetic fields with extreme sensitivity by combining machine learning with quantum sensors – Meaning a new wave of MRI scanners may...
Newly uncovered gene mutation has the ability to reduce fear and anxiety

Newly uncovered gene mutation has the ability to reduce fear and anxiety

Have you ever experienced awkward social interaction? Do you find that you experience fear and anxiety often? Well researchers may have found a new...
Jellyfish antidote: Is CRISPR genome editing the solution?

Jellyfish antidote: Is CRISPR genome editing the solution?

Using CRISPR genome editing, researchers at the University of Sydney, Australia, may have discovered a jellyfish antidote for the most venomous creature on earth. The...
Learn about the launch of the innovative smart inhaler device in Europe

Learn about the launch of the innovative smart inhaler device in Europe

FindAir, a European company developing digital systems for asthma and COPD control, on 16th of January 2019, launched its commercial smart inhaler device FindAir...
Game of phones: Phone therapy in healthcare

Game of phones: Phone therapy in healthcare

New research from the University of Southampton, UK, found that remote, phone-based, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) could help people living with IBS – So...
Youth suicide rates increase after the release of Netflix show ‘13 Reasons Why’

Youth suicide rates increase after the release of Netflix show ‘13 Reasons Why’

NIH-supported study emphasises importance of responsible portrayal of suicide by the media, and according to researcher’s youth suicide rates have increased significantly since watching...
Discover the intelligent fall detector, Grannyguard

Discover the intelligent fall detector, Grannyguard

pikkerton presents Grannyguard, the intelligent fall detector, a light switch replacement that detects critical situations such as falls, requests help and allows two-way communication. Founded...
What do you know about olfactory receptors and smelling with your tongue?

What do you know about olfactory receptors and smelling with your tongue?

Smelling with your tongue may be a real thing, but can identification of functional olfactory receptors in human taste cells open doors to new...
Shea butter benefits: The beauty superfood

Shea butter benefits: The beauty superfood

Did you know that Shea butter benefits not only the application in cosmetics, but also personal care products? Discover all you need to know...
EIT Health paving the way for healthcare leaders of the future

EIT Health paving the way for healthcare leaders of the future

Discover the launch of EIT Health’s prestigious 2019 Summer School Programme, targeting the healthcare leaders of the future. This week, EIT Health opens registrations for...
Discover abdominal etching, the power-assisted liposuction for six-pack abs

Discover abdominal etching, the power-assisted liposuction for six-pack abs

A technique called abdominal etching can help to create the classic ‘six-pack abs’ that so many desire, but is power-assisted liposuction the answer to...

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