Diseases & Conditions News

Health Europa brings you the latest Diseases & Conditions News from across the field of European Healthcare & Social Care Policy.

Could advanced software reduce arrhythmia heart disease?

Could advanced software reduce arrhythmia heart disease?

Potentially lethal conditions such as arrhythmia heart disease may become easier to identify thanks to innovative new software that measures electrical activity in the...
Human papilloma virus: shaming women could put off cancer screening

Human papilloma virus: shaming women could put off cancer screening

The social stigmas and myths surrounding the human papilloma virus (HPV) could make women anxious, and potentially deter them from getting cervical screening. According to...
Which strategies are most likely to slow down Parkinson’s disease?

Which strategies are most likely to slow down Parkinson’s disease?

Experts explore which of the existing strategies to slow down or stop the processes of Parkinson’s disease are most likely to be successful over...
What do you know about immune checkpoint inhibitors?

What do you know about immune checkpoint inhibitors?

Immune checkpoint inhibitors have become important tools for managing non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC), could the analysis identify individuals with malignant diseases? Reported in The Journal...
Could new diagnostic procedures differentiate between cancer & inflammation?

Could new diagnostic procedures differentiate between cancer & inflammation?

Published in the American Journal of Pathology, new diagnostic procedures reveal a protein biomarker that accurately differentiates bladder cancer from benign inflammation. A report in...
Gut microbiota: 2,000 unknown bacteria discovered in the human gut

Gut microbiota: 2,000 unknown bacteria discovered in the human gut

EMBL's European Bioinformatics Institute and the Wellcome Sanger have discovered almost 2,000 bacterial species living in the human gut microbiota, many of which were...
Did you know that women are less likely to receive geriatric care?

Did you know that women are less likely to receive geriatric care?

More than 70% of patients receiving surgery for hip fracture are women, yet they are less likely than men to receive geriatric care during...
Small cell lung cancer: the world of highly lethal cancers

Small cell lung cancer: the world of highly lethal cancers

Researchers from Weill Cornell Medicine studied highly lethal cancers, using human embryonic stem cells to create a new model system specifically exploring small cell...
The crippling effects of Aspergillus fumigatus on the human immune system

Crippling effects of Aspergillus fumigatus on the human immune system

According to University of Jena, Germany, a toxic substance from the fungus Aspergillus fumigatus, can threaten the lives of people with a compromised immune...
Do you think AI could treat Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease?

Do you think AI could treat Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease?

According to WHO, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease will be the third leading cause of death worldwide by 2030, but could AI successfully treat this? Following...
Obesity related cancer: surgeon warns rise amongst millennials

Obesity related cancer: surgeon warns rise amongst millennials

A while back Health Europa reported on obesity related cancer to be on the rise, particularly in the US, but now Britain’s millennials may...
Worrying multidrug resistance in remote Arctic soil microbes

Worrying multidrug resistance in remote Arctic soil microbes

Potentially having ominous implications for human health worldwide, scientists have discovered an unsettling multidrug resistance in distant Arctic soil microbes. Published in Environment International, a...
Presenting Lymphit: The tech designed to benefit cancer survivors

Presenting Lymphit: The tech designed to benefit cancer survivors

Dicronis introduces Lymphit – a cutting-edge technology that will disrupt traditional lymphoedema diagnosis methods for the benefit of cancer survivors. Patrizia Marschalkova, CEO of Dicronis...
A combination of treatments may help fight breast cancer

A combination of treatments may help fight breast cancer

According to researchers from the University of Helsinki, Finland, cancer cells can be attacked with a ‘drug cocktail’ which can potentially help to fight...
Flaxseed fibre: the goods to improve metabolic health

Flaxseed fibre: the goods to improve metabolic health

Published in American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism, researchers have discovered that flaxseed fibre has the potential to improve metabolic health. Research in...
Brain regions unlocked for those with Alzheimer’s disease

Brain regions unlocked for those with Alzheimer’s disease

The largest dataset regarding brain regions has been produced by researchers from the University of Manchester, showing differences in healthy brains and those with...
The metallodrug: could this be the next antitumor drug?

The metallodrug: could this be the next antitumor drug?

Some types of cancer cannot be treated with classic chemotherapy, so a team of scientists are working on a metallodrug, which has the potential...
Hyperactive brain cells could be to blame for antidepressants not working

Hyperactive brain cells could be to blame for antidepressants not working

Research has found that for around a third of people with major depressive disorder, antidepressants have not been working – could this be due...
Can serotonin neurons give you cat-like reflexes?

Can serotonin neurons give you cat-like reflexes?

Known for its role in relieving depression, serotonin neurons could also help the brain execute instantaneous, appropriate behaviours in emergency situations. According to a Cornell...
Low body weight in young children could increase anorexia nervosa later

Low body weight in young children could increase anorexia nervosa later

Published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, low body weight in young children and anorexia nervosa may be...

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