Introducing the SBRI Healthcare programme, the e-health funding offer launched for cardiovascular disease and integrated care & social care.
With only roughly 6 weeks left to apply, explore the SBRI Healthcare programme, the competition that invites companies and organisations to bid for funding to develop new e-health technologies and solutions to challenges in a range of topics such as cardiovascular disease, and integrated care and social care.
Bidding for funding
Companies and organisations are invited to bid for funding to develop solutions to challenges in a range of topics such as:
Cardiovascular Disease (CVD): this includes the subcategory of detection and prevention, intervention and invasive investigations, and efficiency of CVD pathway.
Integrated Care and Social Care: this includes the subcategory of improving effective data sharing system across the care network and reducing social care workforce pressure.
Briefing events with clinicians for interested companies will take place in Manchester on 10 July 2019.
The deadline for applications is 14 August 2019, and details on the competition and how to register to the briefing events are available on the SBRI Healthcare website.
Developing innovative products and services
SBRI Healthcare is funded by NHS England to develop innovative products and services that address unmet health needs. Phase 1 is intended to show the technical feasibility of the proposed concept. The development contracts placed will be for a maximum of six months and up to £100,000 (including VAT) per project.
This competition has been supported by the following AHSNs: Health Innovation Network (AHSN for South London), Innovation Agency (AHSN for the North West Coast), South West AHSN and Health Innovation Manchester, but applications are invited from across England.
More about SBRI Healthcare
Launched in 2009, NHS East and NHS Midlands were the first regional health authority to develop an Small Business Research Initiatives scheme (SBRI) to find solutions for identified healthcare problems.
Going forward SBRI East worked to bring together business, health, technology and government partners to deliver a series of competitions for businesses to address major unmet health needs.
Unlike many Research and Development projects which offer grant or match funding, SBRI contracts are 100% funded and the inventor retains the Intellectual Property.
As part of Innovation Health and Wealth, the SBRI Healthcare programme sets industry the challenge in a series of health-related competitions which resulted in fully funded development contracts between the awarded company and the NHS.